Fast. Firm. Accurate. Every time when you charge your phone, you need to aim properly at the charger head and slot in the charging piece. Now, with Snap! Cable, you no longer need to do with such precision! Just put the cable near your phone and SNAP! IT'S CHARGING!
- Trip-free! No more worrying about tripping over your cable as the magnetic cable releases your phone that easy!
- With one hand, you can charge your phone
Safe and convenient - no more problems charging phone with your child in one arm or from driving when trying to charge phone in the car
- Easily connected for charging by aiming magnetic cable at small magnetic piece on phone
- Bring close for instantaneous attachment of charging ends, it's that easy
- Fast-charging enabled
- Easily attached every time, for the simplest charging solution
- Length: 1.2m
*available for iPhone 5 and 6, Android*